Vesivärava 50, Tallinn
Working days – 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday – closed
Sunday – closed
Areas of law
Legal services
Basic services
Let us assume that you have some questions that require the application of special knowledge that you do not have, and now you are looking for professionals who can help you. And this is absolutely correct. Everyone should do what he knows and is able to do:
If you contact Kalashnikov Law Office, you will receive high-quality support from experienced lawyers on any matter of interest to you.
Clear and well-coordinated structure of our organization, competent management and efficiency of decisions allow us to use the potential of our specialists in the most effective way, in the dynamically changing conditions of modern life.
Services for private clients:
- Legal advice and assistance
- Legal analysis of the current situation, drafting of legal documentation
- Drawing up of statements of claim, drafting of legal documentation
- Professional translation of legal documents
- Out-of-court settlement of disputes, negotiation
- Debts, conducting of affairs with bailiffs, contestation of interests
- Representation of the client’s interests in court
Services for business clients:
- Consultations on commercial and financial legislation
- Drafting and legal analysis of contracts of various types
- Legal disputes and pre-trial settlement of business disputes
- Registration and establishment of companies and enterprises in Estonia
- Sale of ready-made companies, shelf companies in Estonia
- Virtual office and legal address services in Estonia
- Reorganization of companies, amendments of the commercial register
- Documenting of licenses and permits to operate
- Accounting and auditing services
- Liquidation of companies and bankruptcy proceedings
NB! Legal consultations are held by appointment only in the office of Kalashnikov Law Office company, either by telephone or e-mail.
The company Kalashnikov Law Office will provide you with quality legal support and legal assistance on any matter related with family law.
If you want to schedule a counseling session with a lawyer, you can fill out the appropriate form on our website, you can also call 677 55 44 or send a letter to the e-mail address: klienditugi@kalashnikov.ee
- Alimony Amount in Estonia for 2024/25
- The minimum size of the child support in the year 2020 in Estonia
- The minimum size of the child support in the year 2019
- Company in Estonia for residents of Latvia using eID, ID-card
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